The FCC has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in which they discuss the architecture and ownership of our nation’s 9-1-1 services. With the increasingly shared responsibility for the path between callers and the PSAP the FCC expresses concern that recent server outages are due to a lack of collaboration and missed opportunities to share information. The fear is that their advocacy for reliable 9-1-1 service nationwide is not being taken seriously.
The document, FCC 14-186, gives the strongest arguments for real-time monitoring of the end-to-end network path that has ever been expressed by the commission.
“Our goal of proactive, measured accountability for reliable 911 call completion extends from the provision of service to the 911 caller at one end to the provision of service to the PSAP on the other.” FCC 14-186A1, Paragraph 7, Page 4
Since we at, LLC have been speaking publicly about this very topic from the time of our launch as a start-up several years ago, we could not be more gratified that the commission has adopted precisely the type of policy that we have always believed was needed to get the industry to the level of reliability that we know can be achieved. Our partners have been speaking on this topic and developing solutions in this space even before we formed ourselves as an a start-up LLC.
Several of my earlier blog posts provide our opinion on this topic. Many of the presentations available on this website have detail that explains what setting up end-to-end monitoring means to service providers. My most recent presentation can be viewed here.
We will be providing comments on this NPRM, as we have done in the past, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to talk about something so near and dear to our hearts.